PhD Retreat 2025

The 16th PhD Retreat will take place from 28th to 30th of August 2025, at the Hotel Hirschen Wildhaus in beautiful St. Gallen!

Organized since 2009, the annual PhD retreat is a way to foster exchange between the PhD students of the Biozentrum and the Pharmazentrum, regardless of focal area or year in the program. It is an opportunity for students to share their work, talk about science, and meet other people with different backgrounds in Biology and Pharmaceutical Sciences.

The retreat program includes student talks, poster sessions, and social activities. Speakers from academia, industry, and the start-up environment are invited to present their work and share their career path with students. The event enables students to grow as scientists and expand their network. The PhD Retreat has been a great success, every year a total of 80 PhD students participate at our conference.

We look forward to seeing you at the PhD Retreat in 2025!


In case of questions, browse through the FAQs or feel free to contact any member of the PhD retreat organizing committee!


If you are a company interested in sponsoring our event, please contact the organizing committee.

You can find the sponsoring brochure just below:


Registration to the next event will be open very soon! All PhD students eligible to participate will receive a registration e-mail in advance. Thanks to our generous sponsors, attendance is free of charge.


If you have any question browse through the FAQs or feel free to contact any member of the PhD retreat organizing committee!

A big THANK YOU to our 2024 PhD Retreat Sponsors!

Platinum sponsors

Gold sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

Other sponsors and partners

Organizing committee PhD Retreat 2025

For inquiries regarding sponsoring of the PhD Retreat 2025, please contact Yuliya Kuchkovska or Sergej Maul.

Every year we are looking for motivated PhD Students who are interested in organizing a PhD retreat! If you want to join the PhD Retreat 2025 Committee, please contact Mariona Colomer Rosell.